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Modeling Workshops in Grabowska Models

Modeling Workshops in Grabowska Models During the workshops we had the following classes : Autopresentation Runway walk Makeup and skincare workshops SKmakeup by Sara  Posing in front of the camera Photoshoot and polaroids with  gmfotografia.pl  Dietetics Interpersonal communication Tv workshops and interviews On may 14 we will have the fashion show in Hotel Żywiecki Medical SPA & Sport Speical guests : Anna Maria Jaromin - Miss Beskidów 2018, Miss Polski 2020 Magdalena Kasiborska - Miss Beskidów 2019, Miss Polski 2019, reprezentantka Polski w tegorocznej edycji konkursu Miss Universe Anita Szewczyk- Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 2020, TOP 10 Miss Polski Nastolatek 2020 gmfotografia.pl

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Last Casting Call

JURY: @Anita Szewczyk - Miss Beskidów Nastolatek, Top 10 Miss Polski Nastolatek 2020 @Julia Chluba - Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 3rd runner up, Miss Polski Nastolatek Foto 2020 @Wiktoria Wolczyk - Miss Beskidów 2020 1st runner up, półfinalistka Queen of Poland @Adrian Lach - Mister Beskidów 2nd runner up 2020, półfinalista konkursu Mister Polski @Lucyna Grabowska - Górecka (owner Grabowska Models) @Sara Karcz- Kanik (co- owner Grabowska Models) @Grzegorz Moskal (photographer) gmfotografia.pl

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