About admin

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So far admin has created 4166 blog entries.

Our accomplishments in the years 2019/2020

Our accomplishments in the years 2019/2020. This was a hard year however we are not giving up. We are working hard in the hopes that 2021 will be a much better year.  Magdalena Kasiborska won Miss Polski 2019 /Miss Beskidów 2019 Kinga Stach won Bursztynowa Miss Polski 2019 5 of our models (Roksana Pietraszko, Julia Żurek, Anita Szewczyk, Kinga Stach i Ula Lis) represented us in the Queen of Poland 2019 in Greece  Roksana Pietraszko won Queen of Poland 2019 Julia Żurek otrzymała Queen of Ramira Beach Kinga Stach -  Queen of Bros 2019 Ania Jaromin- represented Poland in the Miss Globe 2019 in Albania...

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