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Andrzej Bizoń- Mister Beskidów, Mister Polski 2000 needs our help!

We found some pictures from 20 years ago where Andrzej was winning the MIster Beskidów and Mister Poland titles. He also represented our country in  Mister INTERNATIONAL pageant in Dusseldorf. He received a title for the best national costume. Now Andrzej Bizon really need our help. Link below... https://www.fakt.pl/…/mister-polski-andrzej-bizon-…/edmhyl6…

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Model - piękna Ania Jaromin???? Another month in  Grabowska Models 2020 calendar http://www.bielsko.biala.pl/aktualnosci/42687/ksiezniczka-z-korona-miss-beskidow-swietnie-czuje-sie-w-damskim-siodle-foto

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Mister Beskidów Social Media 2020

The results of the Mister Beskidów Social Media 2020, to the  Mister Polski pageant, are as followed???? ???? Wojtek Felsch ???? Sebastian Kubik ???? Remek Wojnar Gratulacje ❗️???? Wybory Miss i Mistera Beskidów 2020

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Mister Beskidów Social Media 2020

We are starting the Mister Beskidów Social Media 2020 voting/ a part of Mister Polski. *The finalist with the most likes under his picture on the Grabowska Models fb page wins❗️  The voting ends on march 31st CobraOstra.pl

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Photo shoot with our beautiful model

Magdalena Kasiborska - Miss Polski 2019, Miss Beskidów 2019 Martyna Wala - Finalistka Miss Polski Nastolatek 2019 - Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 2019, SKmakeup by Sara Magdalena Ostrowicka

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