I vice Miss Beskidów, Miss Poland 2021 finalist – Justyna Kokoszka
Miss Poland 2021 finale is on august 20th !

MISS TENN POLAND SEMIFINALISTS 2021 Out of 31 finalists, 3 of them are representatives from our agency ❗️ Martyna Kasprzycka - Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 2021 Barbara Stępień - Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 2021 1st runner up Anna Ślimok - Golden Ticket Congratulations, we wish You luck!

Ania by Fotograf Skandalista
Miss Poland 2021 finalists just began their rehearsals before the big finale. Soon we will introduce all of them ! In the meantime we present Ania, ina a beautiful Viola. Piekut dress fotografem by fotograf_skandalista.

Who will qualify to the Miss Teen Poland 2021 finale ?
?Miss Beskidów Nastolatek- Martyna Kasprzycka ( @m_kasprzyckaa ) ?Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 1st runner up - Basia Stępień ( @barbara_stepien_ ) ?Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 2nd runner up- Emilia Raduszewska ( @emilia_raduszewska ) ?Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 3rd runner up- Karolina Majcherczyk ( @karolinamajcherczyk_ ) ?Golden Ticket Anna Ślimok ( @anna.slimok )

History of Miss Beskidów beauty pageant
Miss Beskidów competitions is organized by Grabowska Models since 1989. Previously, the competition was called Miss Podbeskidzia until 2000. Last year, the 32nd Gala of the Miss Beskidów was held, combined with the 22nd edition of the Mister Beskidów. As every year, the Gala took place at the Bielsko Cultural Centre in Bielsko - Biala. Lucyna Grabowska - Górecka owner of Grabowska Models organizes Miss Beskidów, Miss Beskidów Teenager, Mister Beskidów and Mrs Poland. For the last 10 Sara Karcz- Kanik, co-owner of the agency (her granddaughter) has been helping her with the agency and pageants. Grabowska Models has many successful...

We invite You to our new Miss Beskidów fanpage
Let's go back in time 32 years... It was then that the first beauty pageant competition took place in our region, invariably organized by Grabowska Models agency (@Lucyna Grabowska -Górecka)? Then the contest was called Miss Podbeskidzia, and in 2000 the name was changed to Miss Beskidów and it stayed like this till this day ?

Voucher for Modeling workshops in Grabowska Models agency
If You have any questions please contact us: 502 596 669 [email protected]