30 December 2018

Klaudia Kucharska – Miss Teen Poland passed on her title to  Zuzanna Poteraj.

The 30th edition of Miss Beskidów, to which all the previous Miss Beskidów were invited.

This years accomplishments in the agency:

Martina Czeszak – Miss Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 2018,  Miss Polski Nastolatek finalist 2018
Hania Siodłak – Miss Beskidów 2018 1st runner up,  Miss Polski Nastolatek finalist 2018
Livia Dobies –  Miss Polski Nastolatek finalist 2018
Ania Jaromin- Miss Beskidów 2018,  Miss Polski finalist 2018
Luiza Szczerbowska- Miss Beskidów 2018 1st runner up, TOP 10 Miss Polski & Miss Polski Internetu 2018
Dominika Czudek –  Foto Models Poland 2018 finalist in Turkey
Klaudia Mrozińska – Bursztynowa Miss Lata 2018 in Gniew
Karolina Chrobak – Bursztynowa Miss Lata in Mechelinki
Anna Odrzywolska – Bursztynowa Miss Lata 2018 in Chmielnie
Julia Kempka -Bursztynowa Miss Lata 2018 1st runner up in Chmielnie
Julia Owczarz – Miss Lata Faktu 2018 2nd runner up
Natalia Błahut – Bursztynowa Miss Polski 2018 2nd runner up
Aleksandra Wyszomierska -Miss Cieszyna  1nd runner up
Gosia Habdas – Queen of Poland at Capo Verde (Queen of Morabitur)
Klaudia Waleczek –  Queen of Poland finalist at Capo Verde
Konrad Cupiał- Mister Beskidów 2018 (Mister Polski finalist)
Mateusz Badowicz – (Mister Polski finalist)
The finale Mister Polski will take place on january 9th in Warsaw at the Capitol Theater.

Katarzyna Berdychowska, Klaudia Matlak, Paulina Maślanka, Ania Jaromin, Justyna Najbor, Natalia Rabaszowska walked in fashion shows during wedding fairs in Barcelona, Paris, Milan, Essen, Dusseldorf & Warsaw. Natala Cach & Luiza Szczerbowska walked in fashion shows in Milan and   Ola Wyszomierska in France. Katarzyna Kwaśny had a photo shoot in Iceland for Alwero.. Gabi Kwiatkowska & Karolina worked as hostesses at the Porche Carrera Cup in Germany. Over 50 of our hostesses worked at the International Trade Fair in Bielsko- Biała. Our models took part in various fashion shows, photo shoots, and events such as: Trendy Hair Revolution, fashion show for Ash from Japan, V finale of Squasha Polska Kontra Reszta Świata, Metamorfozy Nowe Życie Mamy, Festiwal Go Wegan, Anny Drabczyńska Fashion Shows, Fashion Philosophy Fashion Week Poland, Fashion SHow of an Italian brand Fashion Boom International, Fashion show at the Christams at  Starówka, Wedding Fairs, Expo Fair in Krakow and many more.

Just like each year we made a charity calendar titled ” Don’t buy, adopt” for the temporary animal homes as well as the Reksio animal shelter. The 15th edition of the VIP Fashion Show ” Pokaz Ludzi Wielkiego Serca” took place in which all the important peaople such as doctors, politicians, artists, etc were a part of. The money raised was passed on to the orphanage and the hospice in Bielsko- Biała.

For over 30 years in the southern part of Poland we ‘ve been organising  modeling workshops, for future models . This year we organised 3 workshops, which ended with a profesional fashion show, a diploma and an oportunity to be a part of our agency. Everyone that is interested in the next Winter Modeling Workshops can submit their application online at:
In experience write (Modeling Workshops 2019)

Thank You to all the companies, models, followers make up artists, photographers and many more that worked with us this year. We wish You a Happy New Year and all the best in the future.
Lucyna Grabowska-Górecka & Sara Karcz

Miss Poland 2018 finale

10 December 2018

Congratulations to  Luizy Szczerbowska ( Miss Beskidów 2018 1st runner up), who qualified to  TOP 10 & received the  Miss Polski Internautów 2018 title. Ania (Miss Beskidów 2018) also looked beautiful.

Photo – Grzegorz Moskal

The finale of Queen of Poland 2018

09 December 2018

Congratulations to Gosia, who received the Queen of Meridatour 2018 title

Miss Poland grouping 2018

07 December 2018

The Miss Poland grouping 2018 is slowly coming to an end ❗️????
A friendly reminder that the finale will be LIVE on channel Polsat  this sunday at 8.05 p.m???? Good luck to our representatives  #10 Ania Jaromin (Miss Beskidów 2018) & #23 Luiza Szczerbowska ( Miss Beskidów 2018 1st runner up)????????

Let’s help Luiza win !

04 December 2018
We are super excited to announce that Luiza has qualified to the top 10 Internet Voting for Miss Poland 2018. The voting will end on december 9th. As of now ????Luiza Szczerbowska – Miss Polski 2018 finalist (  Miss Beskidów 1st runner up 2018)???? is in the first place. The finalist with the highest percentage will automatically qualify to TOP 10 Miss Poland 2018. Let’s help her stay in the lead  ❤️
#głosowanie #wysyłamySMSY #MissBeskidów #MissPolski #finał #reprezentantka #grabowksamodels #walczymy

Queen of Poland 2018- Day 1

03 December 2018

Queen of Poland 2018 ????
First day in Capo Verde – Gosia Habdas & Klaudia Waleczek.

This years Grabowska Models  representatives????
Organised by – Maxima Models, Queen of Poland, Foto Models Poland.

#10 Miss Beskidów Anna-Maria Jaromin – Miss Polski 2018 finalist

29 November 2018


Miss Beskidów Anna-Maria Jaromin – Finalistka Miss Polski 2018, Katowice, 20 lat

Fotograf: Marta Macha Photography
Suknia: Viola.Piekut
Makijaż: Mokotowska Make Up Academy
Włosy: Zaremba International Academy
Miejsce: Restauracja i Hotel Mistral

Katowice, 20 years old

Photo: Marta Macha Photography
Dress: Viola.Piekut
Make up: Mokotowska Make Up Academy
Hair: Zaremba International Academy
Place: Restauracja i Hotel Mistral

The finale of Miss Poland 2018 will take place on december 9th. Live broadcast on channel POLSAT at 8.00 p.m.


# 23 Miss Beskidów 1st runner up Luiza Szczerbowska – Miss Poland 2018 finalist

29 November 2018

Miss Beskidów 1st runner up Luiza Szczerbowska – Finalistka Miss Polski 2018, Oświęcim, 23 years old
Photo: Marta Macha Photography
Dress: Viola Piekut
Make up: Mokotowska Make Up Academy
Hair: Zaremba International Academy
Place: Restauracja i Hotel Mistral
The Miss Poland 2018 finale will take place on december 9th, the finale will be broadcasted LIVE on channel POLSAT 
at 8.00 p.m.

Każdy człowiek niejedno ma oblicze. Ja również czuje, że posiadam co najmniej dwie swoje odsłony. Pierwsza to dziewczyna mieszkająca na wsi, kochająca naturę, zwierzęta, wolność i spokój. Druga to osoba kochająca taniec, scenę, blask reflektorów i występy przed publicznością. Prosto z pierwszego świata trafię już wkrótce do tego drugiego. Ekscytacja, oczekiwanie, ciekawość sprawiają, że wypatruję już z niecierpliwością 9-go grudnia, kiedy to stanę jako jedna z finalistek Miss Polski na wielkiej scenie w Krynicy Zdrój. Trzymajcie za mnie kciuki!

Luiza supporting the foundation “Mała Orkiestra Wielkiej Pomocy” at the V Charity Hokey match

18 November 2018

Yesterday I had a chance to support the foundation “Mała Orkiestra Wielkiej Pomocy” during the V Charity Hokey Match.

We managed to raise 62 850zł for  5 kids from the foundation ♥️‼️????
The hokey players were the Polish Actors, celebrities and friends including my parents 
I got to meet Darek Maciborek, who is  from my home town Oświęcimia as well as Jan Kliment ????

I am very happy that I got to be a part of this Charity Event????



Internet Voting for Miss Poland 2018

15 November 2018

The internet voting for Miss Poland 2018 has officially started ????
Please vote and support the girls from our region (Grabowska Models representatives):
#10Ania Jaromin – Miss Beskidów 2018
#23Luiza Szczerbowska – Miss Beskidów 2018 1st runner up

Website where You can submit Your Vote:

The internet voting for Miss Polski Wirtualnej Polski has begun

07 November 2018

????The internet voting for Miss Polski Wirtualnej Polski
We invite You to vote for our Grabowska Models representatives???? :
???? 1️⃣0️⃣ Ania Jaromin – Miss Beskidów 2018
???? 2️⃣3️⃣ Luiza Szczerbowska –  Miss Beskidów 2018 1st runner up

You can vote every day (every 24h)
The Miss Poland finale will take place o december 9th.

Lulu Design’s fashion show at the Go Wegan Festival

03 November 2018

Amazing dresses by  Lulu Design presented during the  “GoWegan Festival in Bielsko-Biała” organised by  Mateusza Kręcina from Top Chef ????.

Ania Jaromin – Miss Beskidów,  Miss Polski 2018 finalist
Luiza Szczerbowska – Miss Beskidów 1st runner up, Miss Polski 2018 finlist
Klaudia Kucharska – Miss Polski Nastolatek 2017
Aleksandra Wyszomierska– Miss Południa Nastolatek , top 10 Miss Polski Nastolatek 2017
Natala Cach–  Miss Beskidów 2018 3rd runner up
Małgorzata Patrzykowska– IMiss Beskidów Nastolatek 2018 3rd runner up
Klaudia Waleczek– Miss Beskidów 2017  1st runner up
Ania Nowak – Miss Południa Nastolatek 2nd runner up,  Miss Teen Poland finalist

Anna Drabczyńska’s fashion show at the Go Wegan Festival

03 November 2018

Latest trends presented by  Studio Mody Anna Drabczynska during the  “GoWegan Festival in Bielsko-Biała” organised by  Mateusza Kręcinę from Top Chef ????.

Ania Jaromin – Miss Beskidów,  Miss Polski 2018 finalist
Luiza Szczerbowska – Miss Beskidów 1st runner up, Miss Polski 2018 finlist
Klaudia Kucharska – Miss Polski Nastolatek 2017
Aleksandra Wyszomierska– Miss Południa Nastolatek , top 10 Miss Polski Nastolatek 2017
Natala Cach–  Miss Beskidów 2018 3rd runner up
Małgorzata Patrzykowska– IMiss Beskidów Nastolatek 2018 3rd runner up
Klaudia Waleczek– Miss Beskidów 2017  1st runner up
Ania Nowak – Miss Południa Nastolatek 2nd runner up,  Miss Teen Poland finalist

Luiza Szczerbowska – Miss Poland 2018 finalist

02 November 2018

Today I had the chance to talk about how I stay active on MIss Polski instagram page. ???????? Sport isn’ta stranger to me considering the fact that I come from an ice skating family, my parents were professional ice skaters and that’s how they met. My parents were the ones that took me to my first ice skating class which I was really grateful for.???????????? Today I visited the ice skating rink in Oświęcim, my trainer and the kids that are starting just like me a couple of years ago. I changed my skates into dancing shoes. ????Dance has become my biggest passion. Besides that I love animals and I ride horses. If You want to get to know me better I invite You to my Instagram page and Miss Polski’s Instagram????????????????

Luiza Szczerbowska is our Miss Beskidów 2018 1st runner up, and will be representing us in the Miss Poland finale

Good luck, the big finale will take place on december 9th

Ania’s visit in Stomatologia Sypień

29 October 2018

Ania Jaromin – Miss Beskidów,  Miss Poland 2018 finalist visited Sypień Stomatologia.

She received a voucher for 1000 zł as a Miss Beskidów for teeth whitening. ????Ania is preparing for the big Miss Poland finale that will take place on December 9th. ????

Miss Beskidów Anna- Maria Jaromin in the Miss Poland 2018 finale

19 August 2018