Miss Zimy 2014

22 February 2014

Winner – Joanna Dudzińska our Miss Południa Nastolatek 2013

Miss Foto – Marcelina Ziętek


An interview with Paulina Maślanka Miss Poland 2013 1st runner up

18 December 2013

Miss Poland 2013

09 December 2013

Congratulations to our representatives !

Paulina Maślanka – Miss Poland 2013 first runner up & Miss Poland Internet I

Katarzyna Kwaśny, Paulina Maślanka, Monika Walkarz & Klaudia Musiał who also represented us beautify

We are very proud of You girls!

Grabowska Models representatives in the Miss Poland 2013 finale

28 November 2013

Miss & Mister Żywiecczyzny 2013

17 November 2013

Congratulations to Grabowska Models representatives  Tomasz & Małgorzata who won the pageant.

Grabowska Models representatives in the Miss Poland 2013 finale

16 November 2013

Miss Poland 2013 finale will take place on December 8th.Girls representing  Grabowska Models are :

Miss Beskidów 2013 – Katarzyna Kwaśny

I runner up Miss Beskidów 2013 – Paulina Maślanka

III runner up Miss Beskidów 2013- Monika Walkarz

Miss Śląska i Zagłebia 2013 – Klaudia Musiał

We also ask you to vote for our girls on this site. Help them win, every vote counts!


Queen of Poland 2013 in Turkey

13 October 2013

Titles received :

Joanna Grzybowska – Queen of Marmaris 2013

Patrycja Skawska – Queen of Radio RMF MAX 2013

Photo shoot & filming of individual films of Miss Poland 2013 finalists

20 August 2013

The girls represtenting our agency in Miss Poland 2013 are : Katarzyna Kwaśny, Paulina Maślanka, Monika Walkarz and Klaudia Musiał

Miss Summer International Beauty Pageant in Ustroń

11 August 2013

Our Agency was represented by three contestants ;


Anna Urbaczka – Miss Grand Trans & Miss D.Wortmund

Aneta Mai Nguyen – Miss Damptour

Olga Roshuck- Miss Fuji Film

On the entry ticket Kinga Kubik – Miss Summer Internationa 2011 as well as Miss Public

Miss Summer Osiek 2013

21 July 2013

Big succes of girls representing our agency.

Magda Chmiel from Andrychów – Miss Public

Katarzyna Gren from Bielsko- Biała – 1st runenr up

Weronika Murańska from Juszczyna – 2nd runner up

Paulina Kocot from Pruszcz Gdański – Miss Summer Osiek 2013

Magda won Miss Summer in Jastarnia

07 July 2013

Miss Poland 2013 semi finals

29 June 2013

Our agency wa represented by 6 girls in  Miss Poland 2013 semi-finals and 4 of them qualified for the finaly !

Katarzyna Kwaśny – Miss Beskidów 2013

Pauliina Maślanka- 1st runner up Miss Beskidów 2013

Monika Walkarz- 3rd runner up Miss Beskidów 2013

Klaudia Musiał – Miss Śląska 2013

Miss Poland 2013 finaly will take place on december 7th, and 4 girls out of 24 will be representing Grabowska Models.

Wish them lukcK!

Grabowska Models representatives in the Miss Poland 2013 semi finals

26 June 2013

6 of our models in the Miss Poland 2013 semi finals

02 June 2013

Miss Beskidów -Katarzyna Kwaśny

I runner up Miss Beskidów -Paulina Maślanka

III runner up Miss Beskidów – Monika Walkarz

Klaudia Blaut, Klaudia Musiał & Iza Grzechnik

25 year anniversary of Miss Beskidów & Mister Beskidów beauty pageants

21 May 2013

25 wybory Miss Beskidów

Katarzyna Kwaśny- Miss Beskidów

Joanna Dudzińska- Miss Południa Nastolatek

Piotr Chmielniak- Mister Beskidów

Miss & Mister Beskidów 2013 finalists meeting the jury

18 May 2013

Last rehersals before the Miss & Mister Beskidów 2013 finale

17 May 2013

25 year history of Miss Beskidów pageant organised by Grabowska Models

19 April 2013

Who will be the 25th MISS BESKIDÓW 2013 ?????

The history of this beauty pagent is 24 years !!

All the pagents took place in Bielskie Centrum Kultury in Domu Muzyki
At first this pagent was under Miss Polonia , and later the pagent was divided and we started doing the pagents for MISS POLSKI, who’s winner represents POLAND in MISS WORLD.

The beginning:

1989 Aleksandra Ciopińska ,
1990 Agnieszka Duda,
1991 Danuta Listwan,
1992 Elzbieta Dziech,
1993 Dominika Duda,
1994 Jadwiga Flank,
1995 Agata Dworniczek,
1996 Alicja Wende,
1997 Aneta Smarowska
1998 Anita Rusin,
1999 Mirosława Strojny,

From 2000 the winners would get the MISS BESKIDÓW title

2000 Agnieszka Radomska,
2001 Elżbieta Gigoń,
2002 Monika Kusion,
2003 Sylwia Wojciech,
2004 Agnieszka Dobrowolska
2005 Alicja Pysz,
2006 Dorota Wojtuń,
2007 Klaudia Matlak,
2008 Katarzyna Ptasznik,
2009 Aleksandra Kot,
2010 Joanna Kusiak,
2011 Kamila Tolasz,
2012 Katarzyna Berdychowska

2013 ??????

Miss Beskidów 2013 finalists photo shoot

01 April 2013