The history of Miss Beskidów & Miss Podbeskiedzia

Let’s go back in time 32 years…
It was then that the first beauty pageant competition took place in our region, invariably organized by Grabowska Models agency (@Lucyna Grabowska -Górecka)?
Then the contest was called Miss Podbeskidzia, and in 2000 the name was changed to Miss Beskidów and it stayed like this till this day ? If you are curious and want to see what the first competitions looked like, we invite you to follow our new FB. We will go back in time and show you a large piece of history related to the Miss Podbeskidzia/ Miss Beskidów competition as part of the national Miss Polonia/ Miss Poland beauty pageants ?
Thus, we encourage you to share our fanpaga with people who are interested in the beauty pageant theam?
Suddenly, we’re all getting ready to welcome the 2021. How was the passing year for me? It was unique in every way, which does not mean that it shimmered only with bright colors. Just as it was a pleasant surprise for me to win the title of Miss Poland, the world pandemic put on hold most of my plans for duties and ideas for achieving all my goals. I have certainly found that inclement encounters with other people, time can affect even greater willingness to help those who really need it.❤️In addition to the actions organized by institutions asking me for support, I decided to initiate a series of actions to support individuals and families, for whom it is a huge challenge to deal with the difficulties of everyday life. It is impossible to name all those who have devoted their time to the realization of my ideas. With all my heart I thank them all!
It became ambiguous to use the word KORONA… From this year it will not associated with just the title of Miss Poland, but the fight for what is most valuable to all of us- HEALTH. Despite the unfavorable situation, I had the opportunity to go to Chicago. There I gained even more confidence, which I try to translate into every sphere of my life.
I am grateful that Miss Poland last year was held among the closest people, friends and audience.❤️
I wish all the candidates competing in this year’s contest self-confidence, and my successor perseverance and creativity in a world where many things and situations have been overvalued. I can safely say that I feel fulfilled in terms of my year of reign, but even after handing over the crown to the future Miss Poland I will continue my mission.❤️Now I know that winning this title is a great challenge and responsibility.?.Once again, thank you to everyone who helped me in implementing my plans during this difficult time.❤️❤️❤️
Wszystkiego Najlepszego w Dniu Urodzin
Nasza piękna Miss Beskidów 2019 , Miss Polski Magdalena Kasiborska promująca najnowszą kolekcję Violi Piekut. Jak Wam się podoba ?