Preparations before Mister Poland finale
02 January 2019
The preparations before the big finale of Mister Poland has officially started. Good luck to our representatives in this years edition Konrad & Mateusz ???? The finale will take place on january 9th in Capitol Theater in Warsaw.
Konrad Cupiał
01 January 2019
3. Konrad CUPIAŁ/@konrad_cupial
Lives in Oświęcim. He studies Electrical Engineer – Automation. He currently lives and works in Cracow.
His zodiac sign is cancer.
He loves lasagna. He relaxes while bowling. His hobbies include gym, tennis, movies and good music. He loves bodybuilding and tennis.
Spending time with his family gives him happiness, he’s most afraid of losing his loved ones.
For the question – What is the hardest thing in life” He answered “to please everyone that he would like to satisfy .”
Photo: @fotografgwiazd
Outfit: @guns_and_tuxedos Hairstyles: @jagahupalo Make-up: @mokotowskamakeupacademy ——————
SMS number 7168 with content: MISTER. 3
SMS Cost: 1.23 incl. VAT
Terms and current results at:
????Konrad Cupiał- Mister Beskidów 2018, will be representing us in the finale of Mister Poland of 9.01.????
Mateusz Badowicz
01 January 2019
1. Mateusz BADOWICZ
Mateusz is from Sanok. He works at Ośrodek Szkolno- Wychowawczym.
His zodiac is a Libra.
Hobby: singing, sports, especially martial arts. He loves karaoke & spaghetti.
For the question what do you this is the most difficult in life he answered: „Overcoming weaknesses”
He’s scared of being lonely as an elderly person his strength are love and dreams.
Foto: @fotografgwiazd
Outfit: @guns_and_tuxedos
Hair: @jagahupalo
Make-up: @mokotowskamakeupacademy
SMS pod numer 7168
o treści: MISTER.1
SMS: 1,23 z VAT
???? Mateusz Badowicz , on january 9th will be representing our agency in the Mister Poland finale????
#MisterBeskidów #MisterPolski #9stycznia #finał #Warszawa#TeatrCapitol #reprezentant #grabowskamodels
30 December 2018
Klaudia Kucharska – Miss Teen Poland passed on her title to Zuzanna Poteraj.
The 30th edition of Miss Beskidów, to which all the previous Miss Beskidów were invited.
This years accomplishments in the agency:
Martina Czeszak – Miss Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 2018, Miss Polski Nastolatek finalist 2018
Hania Siodłak – Miss Beskidów 2018 1st runner up, Miss Polski Nastolatek finalist 2018
Livia Dobies – Miss Polski Nastolatek finalist 2018
Ania Jaromin- Miss Beskidów 2018, Miss Polski finalist 2018
Luiza Szczerbowska- Miss Beskidów 2018 1st runner up, TOP 10 Miss Polski & Miss Polski Internetu 2018
Dominika Czudek – Foto Models Poland 2018 finalist in Turkey
Klaudia Mrozińska – Bursztynowa Miss Lata 2018 in Gniew
Karolina Chrobak – Bursztynowa Miss Lata in Mechelinki
Anna Odrzywolska – Bursztynowa Miss Lata 2018 in Chmielnie
Julia Kempka -Bursztynowa Miss Lata 2018 1st runner up in Chmielnie
Julia Owczarz – Miss Lata Faktu 2018 2nd runner up
Natalia Błahut – Bursztynowa Miss Polski 2018 2nd runner up
Aleksandra Wyszomierska -Miss Cieszyna 1nd runner up
Gosia Habdas – Queen of Poland at Capo Verde (Queen of Morabitur)
Klaudia Waleczek – Queen of Poland finalist at Capo Verde
Konrad Cupiał- Mister Beskidów 2018 (Mister Polski finalist)
Mateusz Badowicz – (Mister Polski finalist)
The finale Mister Polski will take place on january 9th in Warsaw at the Capitol Theater.
Katarzyna Berdychowska, Klaudia Matlak, Paulina Maślanka, Ania Jaromin, Justyna Najbor, Natalia Rabaszowska walked in fashion shows during wedding fairs in Barcelona, Paris, Milan, Essen, Dusseldorf & Warsaw. Natala Cach & Luiza Szczerbowska walked in fashion shows in Milan and Ola Wyszomierska in France. Katarzyna Kwaśny had a photo shoot in Iceland for Alwero.. Gabi Kwiatkowska & Karolina worked as hostesses at the Porche Carrera Cup in Germany. Over 50 of our hostesses worked at the International Trade Fair in Bielsko- Biała. Our models took part in various fashion shows, photo shoots, and events such as: Trendy Hair Revolution, fashion show for Ash from Japan, V finale of Squasha Polska Kontra Reszta Świata, Metamorfozy Nowe Życie Mamy, Festiwal Go Wegan, Anny Drabczyńska Fashion Shows, Fashion Philosophy Fashion Week Poland, Fashion SHow of an Italian brand Fashion Boom International, Fashion show at the Christams at Starówka, Wedding Fairs, Expo Fair in Krakow and many more.
Just like each year we made a charity calendar titled ” Don’t buy, adopt” for the temporary animal homes as well as the Reksio animal shelter. The 15th edition of the VIP Fashion Show ” Pokaz Ludzi Wielkiego Serca” took place in which all the important peaople such as doctors, politicians, artists, etc were a part of. The money raised was passed on to the orphanage and the hospice in Bielsko- Biała.
For over 30 years in the southern part of Poland we ‘ve been organising modeling workshops, for future models . This year we organised 3 workshops, which ended with a profesional fashion show, a diploma and an oportunity to be a part of our agency. Everyone that is interested in the next Winter Modeling Workshops can submit their application online at:
In experience write (Modeling Workshops 2019)
Thank You to all the companies, models, followers make up artists, photographers and many more that worked with us this year. We wish You a Happy New Year and all the best in the future.
Lucyna Grabowska-Górecka & Sara Karcz
Finale of Mister Supranational 2018
16 December 2018
Poland was represented by Jakub Kucner who received the title of Mister Supranational 2018 1st runner up. He is also a , Mister Global 2018 2nd runner up& ofcourse Mister Poland 2017.
Our models for Lulu Design
14 December 2018
Models : Klaudia Kucharska ( Miss Teen Poland 2017) , Anna- Maria Jaromin (Miss Beskidów, Miss Poland finalist 2018) & Patrycja Więcek (Miss Beskidów 2017 1st runner up)
Mister Poland 2018 Internet Voting
11 December 2018
If You want to vote, send an SMS to 7168 with a message MISTER. & add a numer of Your favourite guy from # 01 to 17. PRICE SMS: 1,23 zł + VAT. Our representatives #1 & #3
CASTING to Mister Beskidów 2019
30 November 2018
We are starting the casting to the Mister Beskidów 2019 pageant, the finalists will qualify to the semifinals of Mister Polski 2019 ❗️
Candidates ages 18-30. In this years finale we have two representatives from our agency Konrad Cupiał & Mateusz Badowicz.
Who will receive the title of Mister Poland 2018?
20 November 2018
Who will receive the title of Mister Poland 2018❓
Among the finalists are two of our representatives : Konrad Cupiał & Mateusz Badowicz ( Mister Beskidów finalists). The Mister Poland finalists have officially started preparing for the Mister Poland 2018 gala which will take place on january 9th in Warsaw !
Our beautiful Luiza in the Miss Poland 2018 finale????
17 August 2018
Mister Poland 2018 semifinals
01 July 2018
Congratulations to Konrad Cupiał & Mateusz Badowicz, who qualified to the finale of Mister Polski 2018
On 5.07 at 9 PM You can watch it on TV4.
Miss & Mister Poland Casting
12 June 2018
Our representatives that qualified to the Miss Teen Poland finale:
Martina Czeszak – Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 2018
Hania Siodłak – I vice Miss Beskidów Nastolatek
Livia Dobies – Gold Card
Finale will take place on june 30th.
Representatives that qualified to the Mister Poland semifinals
Konrad Cupiał– Mister Beskidów 2018
Łukasz Rak – Mister Beskidów 2nd runner up
Mateusz Badowicz – Gold Card
On july 1st we’ll find out who will qualify to the finale
In the Miss Poland pageant there were over 200 girls in the running, only 60 qualified. In this group there are 3 representatives from our agency :
Ania Jaromin – Miss Beskidów 2018
Luiza Szczerbowska – Miss Beskidów 1st runner up
Natala Cach – Miss Beskidów 3rd runner up
On wednesday we will find out who qualified to the Miss Poland 2018 semifinals. The information will be on our facebook page Grabowska Models
Mister Poland & Miss Poland
07 June 2018
Our representatives that will be representing us in the eliminations to the Miss Poland, Miss Teen Poland & Mister Poland 2018 pageants.
Who will qualify? We’ll find out on june 10th. Good luck !
Mister Beskidów 2018
11 May 2018
In the new LADY’S CLUB magazine all about Mister Beskidów 2018 pageant❗
On june 10th our representatives will be going to the semi finals casting to the Mister Poland 2018 pageant 
Good Luck
Mister Beskidów 2018
12 March 2018
Mister Beskidów 2018 Konrad Cupiał
I wiecemister Beskidów Artur Budzowski
II wicemister @Łukasz Rak
III wicemister Amadeus Błachut
Mister portalu Łukasz Rak
Mister Publiczności Łukasz Rak
Mister Osobowości Konrad Cupiał
Mister Foto Amadeusz Błachut
Mister Elegancji Artur Budzowski
Mister Moda Pol Artur Budzowski
Mister Hair (tytuł przyzynany przez Trendy Hair Fashion) Szymon Bogacki
Mister Fitness Konrad Cupiał
Top Model Kuba Adamczyk
Mister Bowling Rafał Hałat
Mister Dance Maciek Jakubiec
10 March 2018
Yesterday’s meeting and conversations with the JURY of the Mister Beskidów 2018 beauty pageant.
Who will receive the Mister Beskidów 2018 title?
We’ll find out today!
Watch our Grabowska Models Insta Story where we will be posting everything that’s happening behind the scenes and the big finale.
Mini Mister 2018
09 March 2018
Tomorrow is the big finale of the Mister Beskidów 2018, XX edition
Today we have the final practice, and tomorrow one of the finalists will receive the title of Mister Beskidów 2018.
We organised a special contest for the Mini Mister, the finalist that will receive the most likes under their baby picture will receive a special prize.
Pick Your favourite on our facebook page Grabowska Models.
Weekend with Mister Beskidów 2018 finalists
05 March 2018
Mister Beskidów 2018 finale on march 10th
26 February 2018
- Łukasz Rak, 22 lata Bielsko-Biała/ Kraków
- Rafał Hałat, 22 lata Trzebinia
- Amadeusz Błachut, 25 lat Czechowice- Dziedzice
- Maciej Jakubiec, 21 lat Bierna
- Szymon Bogacki, 19 lat Hecznarowice
- Konrad Cupiał, 23 lata Chełmek
- Jakub Adamczyk, 18 lat Żywiec
- Artur Budzowski, 22 lata Oświęcim
Mister Poland 2017 – finale
03 September 2017
start: 19:30
LIVE facebook
Good luck to our representative Damian Trepka- Mister Beskidów 2017 !