Casting Calls to Miss Beskidów

During castings, the final group is selected. The jury consists of successful finalists from earlier years, organizers and partners. With selected finalists, a very intense period of preparation for the grand final of the Competition begins. During this time, classes are held with...

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Beauty pageants in our region are held every year under the auspices of the Mayor of Bielsko Biała. Miss Beskidów pageants  from the beginning are organized in accordance with the idea of "BEAUTY IN THE NAME OF GOOD." Every year we visit...

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History of Miss Beskidów beauty pageant

Miss Beskidów competitions is organized by Grabowska Models since 1989. Previously, the competition was called Miss Podbeskidzia until 2000. Last year, the 32nd Gala of the Miss Beskidów was held, combined with the 22nd edition of the Mister Beskidów. As every year, the Gala took place at the Bielsko Cultural Centre in Bielsko - Biala. Lucyna Grabowska - Górecka owner of Grabowska Models organizes Miss Beskidów, Miss Beskidów Teenager, Mister Beskidów and Mrs Poland. For the last 10 Sara Karcz- Kanik, co-owner of the agency (her granddaughter) has been helping her with the agency and pageants. Grabowska Models has many successful...

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New face ANIA

Ania? ? SKmakeup by Sara ?

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Last Casting CALL

On may 15th is the last CASTING CALL to the following 2021 pageants: Miss Beskidów Miss Beskidów Nastolatek Mister Beskidów If You want to become a model this Casting Call is also for You ! We invite all women at  12.00 PM and  men 1.00 PM Dress Code: Women: black leginsy, t-shirt and heels Men : black (jeans), t-shirt  Place: Bielskie Centrum Kultury, ul. Słowackiego 27 Bielsko-Biała Face MASKS REQUIRED ! In case of any questions please contact us 512 226 366

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New face JUSTYNA

Justyna? ? SKmakeup by Sara ? Photo shoot during Grabowska Models Modeling Workshops ? Sign up today 512 226 366

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New face KINGA

? SKmakeup by Sara ?

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Another month in the Grabowska Models calendar. Models- Oliwia with her mom  SKmakeup by Sara

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Year 1990

Year 1990 ?? The second edition of the beauty pageant in our region organised by Grabowska Models? Lucyna Grabowska- Górecka ( owner of Grabowska Models, organiser of the beauty pageants for the past 33 years ) with Bronisławem Cieślak as hosts ??

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Modeling Workshops in Grabowska Models

Modeling Workshops in Grabowska Models During the workshops we had the following classes : Autopresentation Runway walk Makeup and skincare workshops SKmakeup by Sara  Posing in front of the camera Photoshoot and polaroids with  Dietetics Interpersonal communication Tv workshops and interviews On may 14 we will have the fashion show in Hotel Żywiecki Medical SPA & Sport Speical guests : Anna Maria Jaromin - Miss Beskidów 2018, Miss Polski 2020 Magdalena Kasiborska - Miss Beskidów 2019, Miss Polski 2019, reprezentantka Polski w tegorocznej edycji konkursu Miss Universe Anita Szewczyk- Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 2020, TOP 10 Miss Polski Nastolatek 2020

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Two models from our agency qualified to the Mister Poland finale !

✅doriannonnabachon  Mister Beskidów 2020 1st runner up ✅Adrian Lach @l.adriano01 Mister Beskidów 2020 2nd runner up

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Beautiful March

SKmakeup by Sara

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Photoshoot for Starling Hats

?SKmakeup by Sara Modelki - Martyna & Weronika

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Last Casting Call

JURY: @Anita Szewczyk - Miss Beskidów Nastolatek, Top 10 Miss Polski Nastolatek 2020 @Julia Chluba - Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 3rd runner up, Miss Polski Nastolatek Foto 2020 @Wiktoria Wolczyk - Miss Beskidów 2020 1st runner up, półfinalistka Queen of Poland @Adrian Lach - Mister Beskidów 2nd runner up 2020, półfinalista konkursu Mister Polski @Lucyna Grabowska - Górecka (owner Grabowska Models) @Sara Karcz- Kanik (co- owner Grabowska Models) @Grzegorz Moskal (photographer)

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We invite You to our new Miss Beskidów fanpage

Let's go back in time 32 years... It was then that the first beauty pageant competition took place in our region, invariably organized by Grabowska Models agency (@Lucyna Grabowska -Górecka)? Then the contest was called Miss Podbeskidzia, and in 2000 the name was changed to Miss Beskidów and it stayed like this till this day ?

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Miss Teen Poland 2020 finale

Today we will find out who will be the next  Miss Teen Poland 2020 Who will Magdaleny Michalskiej - Miss Teen Poland 2019, crown tonight? Watch it live on @superpolsat at 8.00 P.M   Good luck to our Grabowska Models representatives : #2 Julia Chluba - Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 2020 3rd runner up #11 Julia Jachimek -  Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 2020 2nd runner up #20 Paulina Porwoł -  Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 2020 1st runner up #23 Anita Szewczyk -Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 2020

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We invite You to vote for our beautiful @Julia Chluba !

You can watch the finale of Miss Teen Poland 2020 in Super Polsat at. 8.00 P.M

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Let’s start the Miss Poland & Miss Teen Poland 2020 grouping

Our agency is represented by: @Anita Szewczyk -Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 2020 @Paulina Porwoł - I vice Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 2020 @Julia Jachimek - II vice Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 2020 @Julia Chluba - III vice Miss Beskidów Nastolatek 2020 Ania Jaromin - Miss Beskidów 2018

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Our accomplishments in the years 2019/2020

Our accomplishments in the years 2019/2020. This was a hard year however we are not giving up. We are working hard in the hopes that 2021 will be a much better year.  Magdalena Kasiborska won Miss Polski 2019 /Miss Beskidów 2019 Kinga Stach won Bursztynowa Miss Polski 2019 5 of our models (Roksana Pietraszko, Julia Żurek, Anita Szewczyk, Kinga Stach i Ula Lis) represented us in the Queen of Poland 2019 in Greece  Roksana Pietraszko won Queen of Poland 2019 Julia Żurek otrzymała Queen of Ramira Beach Kinga Stach -  Queen of Bros 2019 Ania Jaromin- represented Poland in the Miss Globe 2019 in Albania...

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HAPPY 2021 !

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