Klaudia Kucharska - Miss Teen Poland passed on her title to  Zuzanna Poteraj. The 30th edition of Miss Beskidów, to which all the previous...

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Miss Polski Internautów 2018

Yesterday Luiza Szczerbowska - Finalistka Miss Polski 2018 (Miss Polski Internautów, Miss Beskidów 2018 1st runner up) officially gave the Don't buy, adopt calendars to the sponsor of...

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Thank You to everyone that contributed

Thank You to everyone that participated in our charity action " Don't buy, adopt." Yesterday all the gifts were taken to  ...

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An amazing fashion show with animals

Another heart warming fashion show is behind us. This time our models, kids and their pets presented the latest fashion trends of Alwero. ????????  We also collected...

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Finale of Mister Supranational 2018

Poland was represented by Jakub Kucner who received the title of Mister Supranational 2018 1st runner up. He is also a , Mister Global 2018 2nd runner up& ofcourse Mister Poland 2017...

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Christmas at Starówka in Bielsko- Biała

Our models presented the latest winter trends of Alwero - Produkty wełniane during the Christmas at Starówka in Bielsko-Biała ????The fashion show was combined with ...

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Make someone a beautiful Christmas gift by buying a calendar “Don’t Buy Adapot”, & help animals

Important information for everyone that is willing to help the animals. The beautiful calendar "Don't Buy Adopt" is for sale in animal stores : ✔️ VIPET ul.Michałowicza ✔️ Nakarm Pupila ul. Żywiecka 206

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Miss Poland 2018 finale

Congratulations to  Luizy Szczerbowska ( Miss Beskidów 2018 1st runner up), who qualified to ...

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Miss Poland grouping 2018

The Miss Poland grouping 2018 is slowly coming to an end ❗️????A friendly reminder that the finale will ...

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First shopping is done

We did our first shopping, for the animals in need. The first shopping went to Agnieszka (thank You for the pictures). The next bag is waiting for Kinga from Chrzanów and...

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Bussy month ahead !

We wish our representatives  luck! December 8th -Finale of Queen of Poland at Capo Verde  : ✔️ Gosia Habdas ✔️ Klaudia Waleczek December 9th- Miss Polski finale LIVE on channel POLSAT: ✔️ #10 Anna-Maria Jaromin - Finalistka Miss Polski 2018 ✔️ #23 Luiza Szczerbowska - Finalistka Miss Polski 2018 January 9th -  Mister Polski finale: ✔️ Konrad Cupiał ✔️ Mateusz Badowicz

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Let’s help Luiza win !

We are super excited to announce that Luiza has qualified to the top 10 Internet Voting for Miss Poland 2018. The voting will end on december 9th. As of now ...

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CASTING to Mister Beskidów 2019

We are starting the casting to the Mister Beskidów 2019 pageant, the finalists will qualify to the semifinals of  Mister Polski 2019 ❗️Candidates ages 18-30. In this years finale we have two representatives from our agency  Konrad Cupiał & Mateusz Badowicz.

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# 23 Miss Beskidów 1st runner up Luiza Szczerbowska – Miss Poland 2018 finalist

Każdy człowiek niejedno ma oblicze. Ja również czuje, że posiadam co najmniej dwie swoje odsłony. Pierwsza to dziewczyna mieszkająca na wsi, kochająca naturę, zwierzęta, wolność i spokój. Druga to osoba kochająca taniec, scenę, blask reflektorów i występy przed publicznością. Prosto z...

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Miss Poland 2018 Internet Voting

Vote for Luiza Szczerbowska & Ania Jaromin ???? This is a current ranking of the Miss Poland 2018 INternet Voting. The winner will automatically qualify to the Miss Poland TOP 10 ❗️

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Autumn Modeling Workshop fashion show

The Autumn Modeling Worskops have come to an end. We ended the workshops with a fashion show, one of the brans presented was  Alwero - Produkty wełniane ???? Each model received ...

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The opening of a new brand Eichholtz Interiors in My Honey Home & Bistro 

Our models at the opening of a new brand  Eichholtz Interiors in salon My Honey Home & Bistro in Bielsko-Biała. Olivier Janiak, a well known...

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Fashion show of an Italian brand Fashion Boom International

This weekend our models presented the lates trends and fashion of an Italian brand Fashion Boom International, at the  ...

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Who will receive the title of Mister Poland 2018?

Among the finalists are two of our representatives :  Konrad Cupiał & Mateusz Badowicz ( Mister Beskidów finalists). The Mister Poland finalists have officially...

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Kasia shooting for Alwero in Iceland

The first day of a photo shoot in Iceland for Alwero is behind us. The waterfall Skógafoss is beautiful, just like every other place that we've visited so far in. It's very windy, but Iceland is amazing  ! Kasia

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Finale of Queen of Poland at Capo Verde

Casting to the Queen of Poland 2018 took place today in Warsaw. From over 80 girls form all around Poland, 3 of our models qualified to the semi-finals. After the Jury discussion 2 of our models ...

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Luiza supporting the foundation “Mała Orkiestra Wielkiej Pomocy” at the V Charity Hokey match

Yesterday I had a chance to support the foundation "Mała Orkiestra Wielkiej Pomocy" during the V Charity Hokey Match. We managed to raise 62 850zł for...

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Wardrobe fitting before a photoshoot in Iceland

Kasia (Miss Beskidów 2013,  Miss Poland finalist & Mrs Bride of the World 1st runner up in China) during the fitting before a photo shoot in Iceland ...

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Internet Voting for Miss Poland 2018

LET'S VOTE! The internet voting for Miss Poland 2018 has officially started ???? Please vote and support the girls from our region...

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Lulu Design’s fashion show at the Go Wegan Festival

Amazing dresses by  Lulu Design were presented during the  "GoWegan Festival in Bielsko-Biała" organised by ...

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Luiza Szczerbowska – Miss Poland 2018 finalist

Today I had the chance to talk about how I stay active on MIss Polski instagram page. ???????? Sport isn'ta stranger to me considering the fact that I come from an ice skating family, my parents were ...

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November Girl

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Another class during the Autumn Modeling Worshops

Today besides the runway class and teaching our future models how to walk on a runway, we had 2  very special guests.  Kubíčková Kateřina taught...

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Ania’s visit in Stomatologia Sypień

Ania Jaromin - Miss Beskidów,  Miss Poland 2018 finalist visited Sypień Stomatologia. She received a voucher for 1000 zł as a Miss Beskidów for...

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