The November Modeling Course at the Grabowska Models School is behind us. ❗️??

The November Modeling Course at the Grabowska Models School is behind us. ❗️??
During the Modeling Course we had the following classes:
✅Self-presentation classes
✅Fashion presentation on the catwalk
✅Makeup lesson and body care classes Sara Karcz-Kanik (SKmakeup by Sara)
✅Interpersonal Communication Classes
✅TV workshops / interviews – TV – Adam Budkiewicz ( Cosiedziejetv)
✅Posing classes in front of the lens (Studio A57)
✅Basics of dietetics
* Classes took place in Klub Klimat and Hotel Dębowiec
✅Meeting with trichologist Monika Szuta ( Maromi Beauty Academy Monika Szuta)
Currently, our participants are in the process of individual photo and Polaroid sessions in Studio A57, makeup is done by SKmakeup by Sara??
Next Modeling Workshops will be in FEBRUARY ❗️❄️